Dermot at the 2014 IMW Symposium, Florence
Dermot Nolan
I have worked in the wine trade in Ireland since 1990, and have experience in retail, wine buying, education, and other aspects of the wine trade.
Between 1997 and 2023 I was a Master of Wine (MW), and I was the foremost wine educator in Ireland from 2000 until 2012.
On the Calories page of this site there is a calculator which enables you to work out the calory content of any serving of alcohol, provided you know the alcohol content and can make a guess at the sugar content.
This calculator complies with the requirements of the Public Health (Alcohol) Act 2018 Section 12 regarding the labelling regulations which come into effect in May 2026.
On my Wineries page you will find details of some of the wineries which I like to visit and whose wines I buy for myself.
On my Tourism page are details of my work as a Fáilte Ireland National Tour Guide.
If you want to read my opinuions on matters vinous (or you just can't easily get to sleep) then why not read my pha?
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